Isnin, 6 Disember 2010


hye..ada taq lagi...hihi :)
1.Berikan satu nickname untuk saya. (pemberi award) .. 
- Cik una

2. Ucapan untuk pemberi award. 

-thankz bg taq nie :)

3. Listkan 6 artis/band/group yang korang minat. 

- SS501

4. Bagi award ni kepada 10 blogger yang mempunyai blog yang cantik dan cun. 

-wait in your shoutbox..
1.apa benda paling penting dalam hidup anda ? 

-family and friend's
2.Benda terakhir korang beli guna duit sendiri ? 

-2 buah novel n cd SS501

3.Di mana tempat perkahwinan dan tema perkahwinan korang ?
-emmm..x pernah terpikir bende nie lagi..
4.Adakah korang sedang becinta sekarang ? 

5.Berapa lama korang akan mencintai kekasih korang ? 

-emmm...blom lagi..

6.Novel/Buku/Majalah terakhir yang korang beli ? 

7.Antara mak ayah korang , yang mana korang lebih mesra ? 

- of cause my mother..

8.Namakan orang yang betul-betul korang nak jumpe dalam hidup korang .? 

-Allah , Rasulullah , SS501 , Kim Hyun Joong..

9.Adakah korang basuh baju korang sendiri ? 

-segan nak cakap..mak yg buatkan..baju skolah je basuh sendri..guna mesin basuh..hihi

10.Di manakah tempat yang korang betul-betul nak pergi ? 

- Korea Selatan
- Jepun

11.Pilih satu , peluk atau cium ? 

- ntah..

12.Beritahu tentang 3 benda orang yang tag anda ? 

- meminati kpop
- gadis kicap nama blog nya
- bdk umur 13 thn..

13.5 lagu yang korang suke and selalu dengar 

-SS501 - smua lagu dgr..
-SNSD - hoot,run devil run,gee,genie,oh
-Cn-blue-love light,love,i'm a loner
- Howl - have i told u
-T-max - wish ur my love

14. 5 benda yang korang sangat sayang dalam hidup korang. 

-Internet -Blog
-koleksi novel dan cd
-smua bende kepunyaan saya..

15.bila tarikh lahir korang dan kat mana korang sambut taun lepas. 

-12 Julai 1995 - sambut kt rumah je :)

16.7 blogger yang korang nak tag.. 
-tunggu di shoutbox korang..


Random Put your music library on shuffle. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. You must write that song title as the answer to the question, no matter how silly it sounds! Most of the time they seem to work though, strangely enough. Ok, go! When you're done, tag 20 people in this note, and make sure to tag the person who sent you this. The answer to #20 is the Title of your notes.

If someone says, "Is this okay?" you say 

-Thank you - Kim hyun Joong

How would you describe yourself? 

- Lonely Girl -SS501

What do you like in a girl? 

- Oh - Snsd

How do you feel today? 

- Cn-blue -i'm a loner

What is your life's purpose? 

-S.E.O.U.L -Super junior & SNSD ;) 

What's your motto? 
-You're my heaven - SS501

What do your friends think of you? 

- Best friend - Snsd

What do you think of your parents? 

-NO Other - Super Junior ;) 

What do you think about very often? 

- Gee-Snsd
What is 2 + 2 ?
- Hana - SS501
What do you think of your best friend(s)? 

- Juliete - SHinee

What do you think of the person you like? 

- In your smile - SS501
What is your life story? 

- SS501 - Destiny

What do you want to be when you grow up?
- We can fly - SS501

What do you think of when you see the person you like? 

- Love - Cn -blue

What will you dance to at your wedding? 

- A song calling for u - SS501

What will they play at your funeral? 

-For the Rest of My Life - Maher ZAin ;)
What is your biggest fear? 

Wings of the world - SS501

What is your biggest secret? 

- Howl - Have i Told u
What will you post this as? 

- Deja vu - SS501

Tag ? 
-Tunggu kat shoutbox korang..

   P/S : fuh,,letih buat taq nie..thankz yep adik una..